Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring Cleaning

So I moved home yesterday and I'm thinkiiing it's time to not be 12 and have a lime green room. I'm cleaning out my closet and under my bed and all the places I used to keep things I thought were super important. Like my 2010 Colour Night Social ticket, apparently. So I decided I'm going to entertain you all and give you a list of hilarious things I find today.
1. Colour Night 2010 Social ticket
2. Categories rules. That Kirby Wallis drew all over. For example:
"!" and "4 - drink" Thanks, Kirby!
3. multiple issues of RSAC's "The Perspective"
4. a really ugly BCBG dress that I was in LOVE with. What was I thinking.
5. a million and one Mary-Kate and Ashley books... not throwing those out.
6. a taped episode of Much Music Intimate and Interactive .. Good Charlotte. I was obsessed.
7. a few years worth of YM, Teen People, Teen Vogue and Seventeen magazine subscriptions. Threw out the Tiger Beats already, apparently.
8. my Robin Red Breast sash from Kanata Survivor. HAHAHA
9. "Le Petit Lutin" - a short story I wrote in grade 2. My French has progressively worsened over the years. "Dans le matin le lutin veut aller a la maison de son ami" There is so much grammar in there that I don't remember how to do .. it's a problem.
10. a list of the shower gifts and who they were from .. from when I was born. Looks like I raked in some gooders.
11. This gem of my baptism- 
12. My matchmaker from first year.. apparently I am supposed to be dating Matty Jolly. The chance of us liking each other was calculated at over 80%.
13. My recorder. Good news - I can still play Hot Cross Buns
14. The impressions of my teeth before I got braces. And the guidelines for what not to eat with your braces. Oops - guess I never followed that. 

On to under my bed... all I can say is that I went to too many concerts and took too many pictures .. that turned out so dark you couldn't even tell which band I was seeing. There sure are a lot of dark pictures in boxes under my bed. I don't even know what to do with them. There is also a Vans box FULL of notes passed between me and my friends in high school. We might have been the funniest people alive.

Well, I encourage you all to clean your rooms. 1 cause your mom will appreciate it if you live at home 2 cause you will appreciate it if you don't and 3 cause I'm sure you'll find some treasures.

L-dawg OUT

1 comment:

  1. omg you so make me laugh .. how old do we have to be to clean out our rooms?? just asking as god knows mine could sure do with a wee bit of a clean up too !!!!! PS 3 persians today already ...
